How Cannabis Plants and Microbes Work Together?

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How Cannabis Plants and Microbes Work Together?

Now that you understand that microbes provide essential nutrients to plants in their soil, let us discuss how the relationship between cannabis plants and microbes play out in the soil.

Plants require enough amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to survive. And this is where microbes come into the play. Microbes decide how much of these essential nutrients your plants will receive. Of course, these nutrients are already present in the soil. However, they are not as accessible as they could be to your plants.

For instance, potassium is more often shrouded in the inorganic material. As microbes present inside the soil consume, metabolizes, and excretes it, potassium can be much more easily consumed by your plants.

In the same way, microbes help in breaking down other nutrients which are then easily available for the plants to consume. This easy access to essential nutrients helps the plants in a great manner. Moreover, with the ability of microbes to aerate the soil – it further assists these plants by ensuring even flow of nutrients and water.

Having said that, these microbes are not doing this out of the kindness of their heart. The roots of the plants release a substance known as exudates into the soil. These substances include a wide range of organic acids, amino acids, and sugars which serve as a great source of nutrients for the microbes. With the bellies of microbes full, the nutritional cycle is fully formed which allows the plants to grow and thrive.

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